
I am sure by this stage of my blog posts you have gathered that this pregnancy is entirely different than my first.  

With my first I felt energetic, fit and healthy. A light run, gym session or circuits would have been a part of my week after work (the joys of having no one depend on you). This time making my way to the top of the stairs and into the shower required more recovery time than what I would have taken after a 10 mile run.

Naturally with feeling so lathargic it also dampens your spirits. My normal feel good activity would be exercise so I knew I needed to find something that uplifted not only my body but my mind.

At the same time yoga classes were starting in Ballymena. I contacted Klara and explained I was 24 weeks pregnant, was made aware of some adaptions and happily started the class. From the first class I felt energised and content, I was able to do most of the class as my bump was still small but I was not able to do everything (no head stands) and that was ok as I have learnt not to put high expectations on my body, I was taking time for myself and the relaxing techniques at the start and end of the classes were enough to make me feel like I got so much benefit.

At 28 weeks things started to get a little harder for regular yoga, the bump was skimming the floor while doing sun salutations and shoulder stands where proving difficult but I didn't want to stop. I felt positive after my sessions, less anxious and began to truly trust my body.

At this stage it felt right to start some yoga practise from home so we could do some gentle prenatal yoga. This is different from birthing classes (which I attended this time and would highly recommend) still uses breathing techniques but is a good work out while being gentle and mindful enough of the precious cargo on board.

I felt that with these pregnancy focused sessions I gained so much... exercise, time to stop, connect and bond with my baby through the breathing and visualisation techniques and also sleep better after these classes.

Now at the end of my pregnancy classes I am thankful I have found a new way to relax and relieve stress. I will definitely be keeping yoga up once baby is born as I have felt massive benefits for both body and mind. Baby Corry will also be attending baby yoga as I saw the amazing benefits it had with Bella (normally a massive nap afterwards which let me catch up on housework... Just kidding! SLEEP).

So now my plans are to relax and wait on meeting the little one I have spent so many hours, days, weeks and months imagining. I think this is so appropriate and perfect for this time.... Namasté.

Anna xx

For any local ladies Klara has classes in Ballymena and Belfast and is available for private and group sessions too. Link here Unda Yoga


The babe necessities 


A little update