A new meaning of romance 

Last night at 2am I heard Bella scream, I leaped up and ran in to find her and her bed completely covered in sick. I shouted for Colin to help as I scooped Bella up to change and clean her as best as I could at that time of the morning. As I pulled her into our bed and held her shivering little body I listened to Colin change the bed and clean the room. It's funny how romance changes, how he jumped up to be there for his little girl meant more to me than any bunch of flowers or romantic gestures (don't get me wrong a Mulberry bag will never be snubbed), right now in this season of my life with 2 small children, having someone that jumps up to strip beds is my idea of romance, like someone saying 'I respect you enough that you don't have to do all the dirty work yourself.'

These days when I text Colin at work and say 'oh I can't wait to get you home tonight' I feel it's more like getting close to the end of your leg in a rely race and getting ready to pass the batton over than... Well you know the score.

Long are the days that it is unheard of for the woman to be out working to provide for the family, for the man to share maternity leave or for them to share chores in the house. I believe that it's both parents role to look after the kids and share both the amazing times as well as the messy times but sometimes it's nice to stop and just appreciate that person. Being whisked away for weekends away and coming home from work to a 3 course dinner and wine can be hard (impossible, be thankful for beans and toast before 10pm) in the early days with little ones but the person that gets up to wipe the sick and let you soothe your baby, well right now, that's romance for me.

I feel I should also state that I near divorced him after this for using a brand new tea towel to wipe spilled tea instead of just a dish cloth, a woman will get this! Just incase he reads this and thinks 'grateful my arse, your already moaning at me again'.




Enjoy every minute 


Hindsight is a wonderful thing