They choose unicorns and twirly tutus.

I have always been very conscious of trying not to 'force pink' or gender stereotypes on my girls. When they were babies they were in all colours and prints along with beautiful neutral outfits.


At Christmas I tried to encourage a tractor to ride around our new home as we watch the farmers tend to their sheep each day and I have had many discussions ensuring ballet and swimming are the after school activities they want to do.

Dolls, pink tutus and ballet twirls are what my little girls are in to. I once took my stubborn 3 year old to soft play in a beautiful party dress that would have been fit for a wedding with leggings under it as she insisted in wearing it and to be honest, that day I needed a coffee and a quiet life so I agreed. I then sat feeling a little embarrassed that people would think I choose this outfit for my 3 year old, completely impractical and style over comfort... OK I maybe should accept some responsibility for that influence.

I took Annie into Monsoon in Belfast to pick an outfit for both her and Bella and as soon as she spiedthis dressshe fell in love, insisting Bella got the exact same so they could twirl and dance together.



What I am saying is that yes it's great to ensure that children know that they are not confined to playing one game or the other, participating in certain sports or have specific areas of the toy aisle but the choice is theirs.

They are only little once, so Sunday morning twirling in their party dresses with the classic Spice Girls playing has been "magical" or so Bella says.

Girls dresses from Monsoon, picked totally by Annie and can be found here.

Anna xx



This post is sponsored by Monsoon, as always all images and opinions are my own.


Dress for the occasion (AD)

