Wearing and Wishing...
Mother’s Day get away with Joules
Hello Beautiful.... Dressing table style.
Loving the Leopard print
Collaboration, Style, COLLABORATION, STYLEadminautumn style, boots, fashion, leopard print, winter, winter style, women’s fashion
Shop my style
The work edit
Style, Collaboration, COLLABORATION, STYLEadminbodes, fashion, leadership, mulberry, next, office wear, smart casual, work style, work wear, working mum, zara
How I take and edit my pictures
Zohara style
5 tips on creating a social brand
Style, Life, LIFE, STYLE, COLLABORATION, INTERIORSadminfollowers, instagram, photo editing, simple tips, social brand
Hospital bags
Style, Life, FAMILY, LIFE, STYLEadmin9months pregnant, baby bag, baby list, changing bag, hospital, hospital bag, maternity, maternity bag, organised, pregnancy, third trimester
Spring forward
Family, Style, FAMILY, STYLEadmin34 weeks pregnant, 8 months pregnant, baby, baby number 2, fashion, guilt, hospital, labour, maternity, maternity fashion, northern ireland, pregnancy, pregnancy style, working mum
(Baby) Bags of style??
Style, STYLEadminbaby bag, baby changing, bag, bump style, changing bag, diaper, diaper bag, fashion, iCandy, John Lewis, Marc Jacobs, maternity, maternity fashion, nappy bag, practical, pregnancy, style